The Harmony Centre

About Us

The Harmony Centre is all about healing and transformation. We care about you and your personal spiritual development, we care about your healing and evolutionary journey. We are here to help you face and over come your fears so that you may stand in your own light and actualise that beautifully unique potential that your heart so longs to express. 

It can be put in many ways yet I like to keep it simple, our main focus is to assist you to become liberated from self imposed limitations and fear based programming. When there is less fear there is more room for you and you are an infinite being of love. Indeed we are a spiritual being having a human experience (which gets bandied around a lot these days), yet imagine if you truly knew your self to be that spiritual being? And not just from a hedonistic mental understanding…Imagine truly knowing, experiencing and identifying as spirit in body/embodied in each and every moment. This my friend will change everything in your life! The road towards this is a journey of deep healing; it is a process of unbecoming and rediscovering whilst learning to love again. It's time to forget everything we think we know and remember, that which has been forgotten. We are all beautifully unique aspects of creation and it is your uniqueness that the world needs. It's okay to shine! It's okay to be the big bright shinning light that you are and we would love to assist you in your journey back home.


jayJay is a qualified mentor, life coach, holistic counsellor, founder of The Harmony Centre and New Men Arising. With such a deep love of all things transformation and healing he is also a mentor at the Cosmosis Mentoring Centre and core facilitator/manager of The Global Coaching Academy.

A rich enthusiasm for teaching and sharing freely the wisdom gained from countless mistakes Jay loves reminding people that ALL they seek is within. He loves championing students to face and overcome fears, clear self-imposed limits and discover deep authenticity. A go getter that embodies an attitude of gratitude he inspires people to cultivate a 'can do' outlook in life whilst offering pathways that remove impediments to self-actualisation.

Jay is also an avid supporter of men’s healing and personal growth. He is thrilled to have a growing men’s group (NMA) which is assisting men rise into greater expressions of love and wisdom.



Marg is a qualified Mentor, life coach, interpersonal facilitator, midwife, mother and transformational bodyworker. She loves to nurture and care for people’s hearts and walk along side students as they discover more about the truth of who they are.

Marg has great compassion for those caught up in the pursuit of fairytales and looking for love outside of self.  She has, through her own journey found more inner peace and realises now that everything she ever desired from outside can be sourced within.

Passionate about helping people remember their inner strength, embrace their uniqueness on every level and stand in their own light.  Marg brings an unforgettable healing presence of deep love and wisdom. A lover of the earth and all kingdoms she is a mystic at heart and committed wholeheartedly to playing her part in making this world a brighter place.