Foundational Spiritual Training
Foundational Spiritual Training with GCA:
Personal transformation for the real world
Many people are coming to the realisation that there is more to life than they are currently experiencing, and are seeking a way to find out how to express themselves as a Whole Being.
Whether we are conscious of it or not, we are all on a spiritual journey. What is the point of life, if not to evolve? To learn and grow? To become stronger, brighter and wiser? More authentic to our True essence? And of course to love better, and contribute something worthwhile to the world? This is, of course, the very essence of any genuinely spiritual journey.
A tree will grow strong and healthy if its roots are strong and anchored into healthy soil. A house will only support as many floors as its foundation is able to carry. We too grow better if our roots and foundations are strong, well-established and healthy. While some wish to approach the process of personal spiritual development as a fast escape into some other level of blissed out existence, long-term spiritual success and integrated mastery of self always begins with establishing strong roots and a steady foundation.
The importance of foundational knowledge and practice remains critical throughout your ongoing journey of spiritual transformation. Your foundations need to grow as you grow to support your expansion. You cannot add new floors to a house without reinforcing and strengthening its foundations. It is the same with your personal and spiritual development. As you grow, your foundations need to be refined, reinforced and strengthened.
It is all good and well to activate higher light-bodies and access higher realms/dimensions of reality; yet what good is that if you can’t ground and anchor those states of being? What good is accessing greater levels of love and light, if you can’t bring it here now, where it is most needed? Many people use high-end advanced meditation techniques to escape into blissful states and escape how they feel as a human being - this is not true mastery.
We teach integrated master and integrated ascension, which means that all the levels of your being – spirit, soul and human – are trained and refined to partner, bridge and work together in love, wisdom, purity and clarity, for the highest good of All (including yourself). The quality of your personal and spiritual foundation is key to your success in this. It doesn’t matter how far along the path you are, the basic foundational practices remain the same. In fact, they become more important the further you go along the path, because the “higher” you are in the process, the harder you can fall. Remember you can slip off the top rung of the ladder just as easy as from the bottom rung, the only difference is it hurts more falling from the top.
The current era of Earth’s own evolution – what is often called the age of Aquarius - is all about living an extraordinary life in an ordinary way. Long gone are the days of being hidden away in a cave meditating for 12 hours a day. To make a difference on the world we need to be in the world. We need to bring these higher spiritual truths in a way that is relatable to ones who aren’t consciously engaged in the work or on the path yet. We must lead by example and to be the change in the world that we wish to see.
The foundational spiritual training teaches us the basic foundations required for psychological clarity and grounded, integrated self-mastery.
The following introductory courses offer simple everyday tools designed to help you stay grounded, clear, focused, centered, expanded and in love. This is always the best place to start…
Introductory courses – Spiritual Foundations with the GCA
Whether you have just completed your qualification in Mentoring Coaching and Interpersonal Facilitation, or undertaken GCA professional development training, you may wish to continue and deepen your journey of personal growth and spiritual insight with us.
Our spiritual foundations training is your next step!
Even if you haven’t undertaken any other training with the GCA prior to now, the Spiritual Foundations courses are available to anyone who feels called to it. Simply contact us to begin the journey!
We offer a series of online courses, designed in partnership with the Cosmosis® Academy, which will introduce you to a new world of self-discovery and ancient wisdom at an entry level. This is where we must all begin to foster the strong foundation which is so critical to ongoing growth and success...
As you work with these courses, you will continue to be supported and mentored by the GCA team.
The Spiritual Foundations training
Intake includes:
- Weekly online course content.
- Weekly personalised email report and feedback.
- Fortnightly group online support and integration class.
$250 per month
Below are the foundational courses on offer. Please note that the Energetic Hygiene course is a pre-requisite to then doing any of the other courses:
Energetic Hygiene
Giving you the tools to increase awareness and clearing of your energy system, so that you only transmit and receive frequencies of unconditional love and maintain strong boundaries.
Working with Worthiness
Assisting you in working towards increasing your unconditional self-love and self-worth so that you may experience how deeply loved and cherished you truly are.
Self-Esteem and the Four Pillars
Exploring the basics of gaining and maintaining a healthy self-esteem.
Abundance and Gratitude
Working on attitudes about abundance and gratitude and changing the “beat” of your own heart.
Initial Pitfalls on the Path
Exploring the initial resistance and challenges that we may face when choosing to step forward on the path of heart mastery and conscious evolution.
Contact Jay or Marguerite for more information at
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More advanced Spiritual Training:
Cosmosis® Academy Mentoring Programme
If you have enjoyed and benefited from the foundational spiritual training with us, and wish to explore further into personal transformation and self-actualisation, you can continue your studies with the Cosmosis® Mentoring Programme. Your GCA mentors Marguerite and Jay can, if you choose, continue to walk beside you as your mentors on your spiritual journey with Cosmosis® Mentoring.
The Cosmosis™ Mentoring programme can be done anywhere in the world, as long as you have a phone/mobile and internet connection.
So what is Cosmosis™ Mentoring and Coaching all about?
This mentoring and coaching programme is all about assisting you to find meaning, purpose, fulfilment and a truer reflection of who and what you really are.
Mentoring and coaching is an evolving, growing relationship where both the mentor/coach and you commit to your growth and evolution towards being the highest expression of who you truly are. Your mentor or coach is someone from whom you can gain reflection; someone who will assist you to find clarity around a challenge and bounce ideas around with. It is someone who has your best interests at heart; someone who will hold the ideal of who you truly are while you search for the best way to become that. It is someone who will never harm you, never treat you badly or ridicule you; it is someone who will challenge you, stretch you to go beyond what you thought you were capable of and support your highest good. It is someone who will share of the wisdom of their own learning and journey. It is someone who will teach you how to connect with something greater than who you think you are.
The Cosmosis® Academy team also includes several qualified holistic counsellors and psychologists/therapists. At times during your journey of growth and self-realisation, you may require a counselling or therapeutic approach in order to heal certain sensitive issues, which must be overcome in order to successfully achieve your mastery goals.
Cosmosis® counsellors may then be invited to provide support which is complimentary to the mentoring process, and assist healing during your mentoring journey.
The Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre team also includes a holistic GP and university-trained naturopaths to provide physical health and well-being support, as may at times be required of your journey of healing and transformation.
The Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre and all its employees and affiliates also operate in accordance with a strict Code of Ethics and Professional conduct, which you can read more about here: https://mysteryschool.net.au/index.php/about/our-code-of-ethics
Structure of the Cosmosis® Academy Mentoring Programme
There are a number of levels of Cosmosis® Mentoring, each representing a more committed and advanced part of the mentee’s journey of personal growth and spiritual Self-realisation. Each level of the programme provides content, framework, unconditionally loving energetic support and ongoing mentoring for you as you develop your awareness and capacities as a whole person, as a Spiritual Initiate, as one who has consciously chosen to set their feet upon the Path towards Spiritual Mastery.
Our programme doesn’t make any grand claims; yet we do know, indisputably, that it works when applied as set forth, because we have had the undeniable experience of it ourselves, and have seen similar changes in our dedicated students.
The Mentoring programmes’ teachings are supported via personal mentoring feedback and/or individual sessions, online courses and resources, as well as weekly online video classes and regular in-person retreats (which you can attend after having been on the mentoring programme for at least six months).
- You will have access to online courses and a personally allocated qualified Mentor
Each mentee works with an endorsed Mentor who has an internationally recognised qualification in mentoring and coaching (some of our Mentors are also qualified counsellors). In the earlier stages (such as in level 2 mentoring), in addition to their allocated mentor, the mentees may work together in group classes with a range of Mentors who step them through the foundational teachings.
You will have email access to your own Mentor, who will work with you through the various courses on the online mystery school. You will send in a report each week to your Mentor who will give you feedback and support your learning.
- You will participate in weekly group online video classes
You will attend weekly online classes are hosted by a group of our Mentors. This gives you a wide scope of understanding of the teachings, as each Mentor brings their own lived experience of the work and is able to give you a deeper understanding of the variety and uniqueness as to how the teachings can be applied.
An optional in-person class is also available for those living in or around Perth, Western Australia, for a small fee paid at the door.
- You will benefit from on-on-one sessions with your Mentor
Depending on your level of mentoring, your mentoring package will include a one-on-one half-hour mentoring session with your Mentor either quarterly, monthly, fortnightly or weekly. This gives you the opportunity to bounce feedback, ask questions and receive real-time mentoring on the spot. Mentoring sessions may be conducted in person, via video conferencing or telephone, depending on your location and what can be arranged between you and your Mentor. Extra one-on-one sessions may be booked by mentees at a reasonable additional cost.
- You will have the opportunity to attend Intensive Retreats in person
After at least six months on the programme, your mentor will inform you of upcoming retreats which you can attend in person at our Mystery School centre near Perth, Australia. These retreats are a wonderful opportunity to come together with other CA mentees to learn, grow, heal, process and work together in a caring and protected environment. The retreats are a time to literally retreat from the world – allow yourself to be immersed in your spiritual life, to focus fully on yourself and your growth, and not have to engage with the demands and distractions of the everyday world.
Retreats are an important part of the programme, as they allow and facilitate the grounding and actualisation of much of the learning and potential which has developed over the course of your mentoring journey, as well as open new avenues of realisation and opportunities.
Retreats are at an additional cost, which includes accommodation, lunches and live daily facilitation by some of our top Cosmosis® Mentors and Facilitators.
Levels of the Cosmosis® Mentoring Programme after undergoing the Spiritual Foundations courses.
- Mentees commit to daily and weekly disciplines to nurture their growth
You get out of it what you put in! No one has ever achieved high levels of success or proficiency in any area of human endeavour without investing consistent work and disciplined practice. Anyone who tells you that you can achieve high levels of self-mastery and spiritual actualisation while treating your spiritual work like a casual hobby is lying, or at best misguided.
As such, Cosmosis® Mentoring requires its mentees to apply themselves to a routine of spiritual practices. These include various amounts of the following practices, depending on the advancement of the student through the mentoring programmes levels:
- Daily clearing, grounding and alignment of your energetic system
- A short daily planetary healing violet flame meditation
- Daily review of the day’s experience to clear, integrate and consolidate learning
- Engaging with online courses and submitting weekly reports to your mentor
- Listening to Sonic Alchemy CDs, or watching Cosmosis® DVDs and videos
- Attending classes and mentoring sessions with your mentor as relevant for each level of mentoring
- Meditation
- Spiritual reading
There are 3 levels of Cosmosis® Mentoring Programmes:
Level 2 – Cosmosis® Group Mentoring
(Cosmosis® Initiate Phase)
This is the starting point for ones who have some experience in the personal spiritual growth process, have completed the spiritual foundations neophyte training with GCA, and wish to engage in a more supported and consistent approach to study.
This level focuses on developing consciousness and learning to apply Cosmosis® Personal Spiritual Alchemy on one’s self. It also includes in depth work to develop your inner coach and retrain self into helpful attitudes and disciplines.
Topics covered in the online courses will include yet are not limited to:
Foundations [energetic hygiene]
Self-esteem [4 pillars]
Genetic Line Clearing
Mindfulness and Holding Presence
Beyond Mindfulness [balancing thinking and feeling, horizontal and vertical integration]
Transmuting Guilt Blame and Forgiveness into Compassion
Developing Unconditional Love
Pitfalls on the Spiritual Path
The Importance of Gratitude
Returning to the Authentic Self
Attitudes to Success
Alchemical Self Initiated Revelation
Bridging from other schools of learning
Fee: $34.90AUD per week
Plus: Purchase of CDs as required (discounted mentee price) for online courses, and phone call costs
Optional Cosmosis® Foundation Retreat attendance fees.
Mentees optional extras:
One-on-one sessions are available to book with your Cosmosis® Mentor for $65 per half hour session, if you ever need them.
Level 3 – Cosmosis® Mentor-by-Group
(Cosmosis® Hierophant Phase)
This level builds on the previous level’s work on self-mastery, and also focuses on expanding consciousness and developing awareness of one’s expanded sphere of influence within the environmental body.
This level includes a ½ hour one-on-one Cosmosis® Mentoring session with your Mentor once a month (with option to add an extra session each month). During this call an alchemical theme will be set in place for the next month and a remote alchemical process will be facilitated for you personally that month. This will entail the integration of new sacred alchemical frequencies at soul level via a Cosmosis® five minute Alchemical Transformation Process each day with Michael and Segolene King.
The five minute focus involves a concentrated remote focus for five minutes at a set time each day during which Michael and Segolene will remotely hold you in a focus of a particular alchemical sacred quality.
Topics covered include yet are not limited to:
Know Thyself
Feminine Spirituality and Integration
The Pillars of Self-Esteem
Elemental Initiations
Success Mastery
Sacred Qualities
Developing Personal Confront
Eternal Now
Guilt, Shame, Acceptance
Alchemical precipitation of the Inner Coach
Fee: $49.90AUD per week (optional: extra $65 if you would prefer a 1on1 Mentoring session each two weeks rather than each four weeks)
Plus, purchase CDs and Cosmosis® resources at a special discounted price, and Cosmosis® Transformational Retreat attendance fees.
Please note - additional One-on-one sessions are available with your Cosmosis® Mentor for $65 per half hour session.
Level 4 - Cosmosis® One-on-One Mentoring
(Cosmosis® Ptah Phase)
This is advanced Mentoring for those embracing the Cosmosis® Transformational Process and its greater potential.
Level 4 includes a weekly half-hour 1on1 mentoring sessions with your Cosmosis® Mentor.
This level is for those who are really serious about their eternal evolutionary process and want to integrate their life, work and spiritual service in this lifetime. Many choose this level with the goal of joining our team as a Professional Cosmosis® Mentor.
The fortification of a healthy commitment to service – in loving the self yet being selfless – becomes an important part of the curriculum at this level of mentoring. Mentees are required to begin facilitating their own personal development classes.
In this phase you may partner the Cosmosis™ Training with a qualification which may launch a career which serves as a vessel for spiritual service, or perhaps bring spiritual service into your already existing sphere of influence. Courses provided by partnering businesses in the Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre may at this point be of interest. This includes the Global Coaching Academy’s internationally recognised Diploma of Mentoring, Coaching and Interpersonal Facilitation.
Topics covered may include yet are not limited to:
Inner time transformation
Transmuting Failure Scripts
Transmuting Sabotage Scripts
Precipitating Selflessness and universal harmlessness
Transforming Impure Desires
Deep clearing and healing of the Pillars of Self-Esteem
Comparative Theologies
High level initiate and Master Consciousness
Integrating the super-conscious mind
Integrating of Sacred Masculine/Sacred Feminine balance
One-ness with the Universal Consciousness
Anchoring and activating Universal and Cosmic light bodies and more...
Fee: $126.50 per week
For more detailed information about the Spiritual Mentoring Programme please visit the Cosmosis® Academy here,
or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.